Discover your Inner Power!

Personal Coaching, Energy Therapy & Healing
Creating Permanent & Positive Change
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FREE 20 Minute Phone Assessment 
*Video Call Consultations Available*

How Can I Help You?

I am passionate about working alongside you to discover and unlock your resources for self empowerment

Hello and welcome, my name is Karen and I am a coach and therapist and a specialist in empowered and effective communication.

Working with a combination of techniques that are designed to help you to overcome challenges.

Some of the challenges I can help you with include:

  • Stress, Anxiety, Addictions & Phobias
  • Relationship Issues 
  • Identifying disempowering and ineffective communication to transform your ability to be heard and understood
  • Physical Symptoms Lack of Confidence
  • Public Speaking/Performance Life Challenges – Divorce,
  • Bereavement, Birth etc.

My Solution To Help You Navigate

The techniques I use work very effectively to release stuck patterns and sabotage that have previously held you back and had been created and managed by your unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind is where trauma is stored and the corresponding emotions reside in your body.

It is not possible to rationalise with emotions as they do not work on logic.

Emotions are linked to associations and events in your past. Some of these will feel pleasant and the less positive events may link to uncomfortable feelings and even physical symptoms. 

By applying the techniques to these emotions and events they are able to release the emotional charge that had stopped you from making progress.

  • You are likely to feel the effect as being lighter and more at peace.
  • You may experience a different view of the original events now that the emotion has been released.

All emotions are acceptable even those that can be perceived as negative.

However, sometimes emotions become stuck in your energy system and continue to affect how you react to others and situations. 
As these emotions continue to dominate, they can affect your relationships and how you communicate with
those around you.

I work alongside you to release these old stuck patterns to feel more able and confident in your ability to choose your response in any given situation.

You will gain practical tools to aid your progress:

  • Gain control over your own emotional state
  • Gain confidence.
  • Acknowledge your feelings and learn to have compassion for yourself and those around you.

My Approach with clients

I started consultations with clients as an Energy Practitioner and Coach in 2001 & trained as a Master Practitioner and Trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), PSYCH - K ®, EMO Energy in Motion, Reiki and Rahanni Practitioner and Hypnotherapist.  I have also studied other energy therapies and take regular courses to update and develop my understanding of coaching and therapy.

As a client you will benefit from a bespoke combination of holistic techniques in a process that draws on the best elements of each modality.
My approach is heart led and unique to each individual’s needs and

The real reward is being a part of each client's transformation and seeing the new found motivation purposefully focused on your own desired life journey.

I enjoy working in partnership with clients and assist to:

  • Discover hidden resources
  • Build supportive beliefs and thought patterns
  • Learn practical tools
  • Release old energy blocks
  • Learn new strategies that promote peace and calm

Take Action Today!

I know it is not always easy to take that first step and you have already made it!

Now that you have made a decision to take action, The next step is simple!

You can benefit from a 20 minute free phone assessment 
  • Explore your desired outcome
  • Discover your hidden challenges
  • Find out how I can help you

Alternatively contact me via E-Mail to outline the challenges you are facing and I will be happy to answer any questions.

Marketing Manager, Woking
"Karen has been a very positive influence on my life and I am very grateful to have discovered her. I find her the most non-judgmental person I have ever come across. Her approach has helped me be more kind and accepting of myself and others and she has helped me really change some of my beliefs and habits. It's great how she helps people find their own inner resources and a path to move forward that is one's own rather than hers. She has also helped me and my husband to find a way back to good communication habits when the stress of work, kids and daily chores had made our communication unintentionally strained and grumpy. I highly recommend her."

Business Owner, Lyne
"Karen Oliver is a very special and intuitive lady. I have been seeing her regularly and recommended over 15 friends to see her as she is so amazing. She has helped me with so many huge struggles in my present and my past including the loss of my mother and massive upheavals in my business. 

Karen has a very gentle demeanor which makes you feel safe and able to share anything with her. She has a tremendous skill in finding the root of your issue and giving you the tools to help yourself. I always leave a session feeling I can cope with and handle anything and feel equipped to deal with whatever challenge comes next!"

When life gives you lemons Karen shows you how to make lemonade! She is my hero.

Learn More and Transform Your Thoughts into Positive Action
How can I help you..............

Susan Adams - LicAc, MBAcC, BSc Acupuncture
Phoenix Acupuncture, Woking, Surrey

“With Karen’s guidance you shift from digging up the past issues to working toward a bright new path. I’ve recommend individuals and couples to her for coaching as a positive way forward when they feel stuck or need some guidance.” Susan Adams, Acupuncturist."
How do we achieve this?

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

NLP is the art of mastering your mindset leading to changing behaviour and achieving the outcomes that you want in life.  It offers principles and techniques that can help you take control of your emotional state and maximise the best reactions to challenges.

By using Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques you can utilise your mind to achieve excellent results in every area of your life. NLP incorporates numerous ways of creating a new mindset in tune with your values, beliefs & desired outcomes.

- the neurology and how information we take in through our senses and how this is processed internally. 
Linguistic - language and how we communicate experiences to ourselves and others. 
Programming - the internal strategies we run to achieve specific results.

NLP techniques work on how you store your memories and experiences and awaken the possibility of positive resources that can be used in challenging situations.  By utilising the events you hold visually, auditorily and kinaesthetically the memories can be altered by focusing on taking learning from the situation. This allows you to release judgement and blame connected to this event and move forward positively towards your desired outcomes more easily.   
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The common misconceptions about hypnosis are understandable as the majority of people have only experienced it by watching stage hypnosis which is a totally different use of the process and is aimed purely on entertainment.

A hypnotic trance is a natural state of deep relaxation that we all experience at some point every day usually just before falling asleep and during that just waking up stage. You may not be aware, but you will have drifted off into a trance on numerous occasions, probably while watching tv, driving or merely staring out of a window.

By guiding a client into this natural state change work can take place more easily.  The unconscious mind is where previously unwanted behaviours had been anchored by dis-empowering beliefs that had long since been outmoded and outgrown, but continued to drive behaviours in a way that may have felt compelling and not in control.  

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EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

EFT is one of the new Power Therapies developed by Gary Craig, also known as ‘Energy Psychology’ which are developed from the ancient Chinese meridian energy system – it is a form of emotional acupuncture without the needles, and is based on the premise that all negative emotions are the result of a disruption in the body’s energy system.

EFT works by clearing the blockage or disruption by tapping on the end points of the body’s energy meridians (while focusing and verbalising the specific issue) which sends pulses of energy to rebalance the body’s energy system in relation to that specific issue. By shifting energy it changes the way the brain processes information about a specific issue, EFT's effect is like rewiring or rerouting the brain’s previously conditioned negative response allowing a new positive empowering way of thinking to prevail. 
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EMO Energy in Motion - Formerly EmoTrance

EmoTrance is a set of simple yet profound tools and techniques pioneered by Dr Silvia Hartmann, PhD and Nicola Quinn for working with the human energetic emotional systems.

EMO Energy in Motion requires the client to detect where the emotional disturbance lives in the body. By working with the natural kinaesthetic feedback mechanisms of the human body, the treatment is adapted to the individual client who is not required to know or relay what caused the emotional disturbance in the first place.

EMO Energy in Motion has been skillfully developed to be simple, effective, natural, gentle and respectful to the client, their history and beliefs.
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Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy, an energy which is all around us.

Natural Healing
Reiki is the name given to a system of natural healing which evolved in Japan from the experience and dedication of Dr Mikao Usui (d. 1926). Fired by a burning question, Dr Usui was inspired to develop this healing system from ancient teachings after many years of study, research and meditation. He spent the rest of his life practising and teaching Reiki. Today Reiki continues to be taught by Reiki Masters who have trained in the tradition passed down from Master to student.

There is no belief system attached to Reiki so anyone can receive or learn to give a Reiki treatment, the only prerequisite is the desire to be healed.
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Emotional Freedom Technique Workshop on Facebook 9th April 2020

Take the opportunity to try out EFT with this workshop for Promoting Peace & Health.  If you are new to EFT please download the EFT Tapping chart.
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