Blog Post

What is the Recipe for a Life Well Spent?

Karen Oliver • 25 November 2022

Discovering and utilising Free Will

How many of us believe we live to the beat of our own drum, follow our own path and create our own view of our destiny?

What we may not note is that none of us have survived unscathed from the programming of society and with the day-to-day chores we rush through our days and don't always have time to think about the big questions.  As long as today was ok we can muddle through.

It is like a game of monopoly avoiding Mayfair with its hotel, fearful of landing on Chance and hoping to get past go safely to receive £200.

It is not until we have a landmark birthday or an incident that knocks us off our usual hamster wheel that we really take stock.  Often when uncomfortable feelings arise, we find ways of quelling them by numbing, distracting or avoiding and it is so easy to keep busy when we don't feel we have any say in our direction.

Our lives seem to be set out for us like a movie.  each day unfolding and the best we can do is steer the ship out of choppy waters.  When we live our lives unconsciously, we can be hijacked by primal needs to remain safe and not to take risks, so we just follow the norm and keep our heads down.

But since when has life been safe?

One thing we know for sure is we are not going to get out alive!

What do we ever learn from remaining in our comfort zone?

In recent years an awakening has taken place and a higher percentage of the population have taken to being more reflective, more questioning and unplugging from the programming that has been silently and covertly streaming into our frequencies and influencing our perceived options for centuries.

Many have become discontent with being armchair adventurers and yearn for real experience, seeing  beyond the appeal of virtual reality and the trap of constant screen time directing our thoughts with subliminal messages.

Whose life have we been living?  The discontent that has been hidden and suppressed to stop us stepping out of suburban normality has finally got so loud it can no longer be ignored.

The film Free Guy with Ryan Reynolds perfectly depicts our uncomfortable comfort zone.  He lives a simple life as part of the background figures in a computer game doing the same things living  routine life without question and seemingly content with his lot.  That is until he puts on a pair of glasses that allows him to view a whole new perspective.  It changes Guy's life for the better as he exercises free will.

How many times have we told ourselves how we 'should' be almost like we have a blueprint of what our life 'should' look like and anything outside of that is disregarded as not possible.

Who designed the blueprint? 

Until we are truly aware it is not easy to exercise our own free will.  How do we really know when we are using our own free will?  We are constantly being influenced by those around us, media and society. Many of our beliefs that we live by as our truths were firmly planted in our formative years.

The mental health issues that continue to escalate are frequently a result of forcing against our own nature for life's path that is expected or acceptable.  And even when the decisions we are making go against every grain of our being, we are encouraged to do the right thing. 

But who knows what that is?  Only us as individuals!

Einstein famously said:

'If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you always got and that is madness!'

And yet our recipe for life remains the same expecting the perfect cake!

The expectations of society have been bearing down on us and seeping into every corner of our lives. it is easier in the short term to comply but leaves a long-term sense of dissatisfaction.

At the pinch points in our lives when we reflect, we might question where is the fulfilment this route has promised?  We may have many material trappings that are evidence of a 'good life' and yet there is an emptiness that can never be filled by the latest tech or the flashiest car. 

It is only when we do question; 

Who wrote this rule book we have lived by?

What's the purpose of these guidelines?

How is it serving us right now?

We begin to exercise our own free will which becomes available to us when we start to live more consciously.

By raising our consciousness we upgrade to being the author of our own story.  Many of us have been programmed with fear of consequence and our view of possibilities and opportunities blinkered.  When we can finally step into our personal power, we gain a clear view and notice the tone of our life is directed by our own intention.  Setting intention is pivotal and serves as a fore runner for our actions. Living an intentional life keeps us on track and reminds us of the important elements that make up a meaningful existence.

'We can only perceive what we believe, and we can only create within our own possibilities.'

When we live in the shadows, we not only short-change ourselves, but we also cheat the world of our divine light and purpose.  Often we can be more adverse to shining our light, more concerned about achieving success than failure and do ourselves down to fit the pigeon hole we have been allocated.

Accepting how we feel is a large element of stepping into the life we desire.  When we feel uncomfortable, or angry, or upset be assured we are living and learning.  As human beings we were designed to experience all of our emotions and they are purely a gauge.  Allowing every emotion as an experience without judgement eases our suffering and lets us move through them and let go. 

Often we attempt to dumb down these uncomfortable feelings as they are too painful or not acceptable.  Many attempt to block them out, but our emotions only become an issue when we apply meaning and attach to them as if we are the emotion.  Emotions are purely energy in motion and are transitional when we allow them to be.

How easy is it to live on the crest of a wave? No one has to dig deep to endure the good times.  The challenging times are the makers of personality, the strengthening of our resilience, the moments our light is visible.

Choosing to take a route that is less trodden is courageous and fine tunes our resolve.  If we want mundane then keep on sleepwalking.

But if we want a life well spent where we have weathered the scrapes and the knocks and have got back up with more fortitude and enlightenment;

Source your own ingredients

Create your own recipe

Decide on your method

And savour the fulfilment!

Karen Oliver

01932 403780/07782 381855


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