Blog Post

Your Worth – Your Wealth?

karenoliver31 • 16 March 2015

What were you taught during childhood about being wealthy and prosperous?

Do you remember hearing ‘You have to work hard to prosper’ or ‘If you are spiritual and virtuous you cannot be financially wealthy?’ We tend to pick up these beliefs while we are young and not able to understand money and its affinity with our sense of worth.  If we experience misfortune we may develop negative beliefs about having wealth. These beliefs go undetected, but drive our behaviour regarding earning, spending and accumulating money.  What do you believe about people who have money? Are they greedy?  Does money corrupt people?

Our beliefs about money will influence whether we merely survive, get by or positively thrive.  The fears around these beliefs will influence your unconscious feelings and regulate how much or little you receive.

Money is not the root of all evil it is the obsession with money that is not healthy.  If your purpose is to be helpful and kind and generous of spirit in your business/occupation you will attract money in order that you can continue.  If you decide on your occupation purely for monetary gain it can prove to be less successful as even if you achieve the target you set yourself the reward may appear to be empty and holding onto that wealth prove to be tricky.  When you set your sights on a pile of cash the thoughts tend to be I don’t have enough, whereas manifesting money through carrying out deeds that are derived from a passion and commitment requires abundant thinking and therefore abundance follows.

We tend to want fairness and think that asking for more for ourselves is selfish when there are so many people in the world with so little.  What if it were true that the more people have, the more good they can do and the more prosperous the world would be.  If you believe in the law of attraction you already know that there are no limits only those we impose on ourselves, therefore the capacity to bring riches to the world is eternal.

If you want more money focus your mind on it.  You may be inclined to ignore your financial situation because it is too painful to look at, but this negative reaction to thinking about money only brings about more situations involving financial pressure.

There can also be an element of embarrassment and guilt that you are in this financial position and around anyone who was associated with the events that put you in this situation.  Negative associations will keep your focus on money being a painful subject and therefore not allowing you to bring better finances your way.

Any beliefs about worthiness are attached to you as an individual – How worthy am I?  Beliefs about value are connected to how much value you are putting out in the world.  Money is a tangible measure of your value.

Focus on creating a friendly relationship with money.  When you are open to making money you will begin to become aware of more opportunities to make more money.

Sometimes there can be a discrepancy of values. If you believe you want to do good and receive payment you may feel you are just involved in a pure transaction.  There can be a tendency to believe if they can’t pay me I should help them anyway.  Whilst it is good to help this should not become the default.  You can serve people more effectively when you are wealthy and therefore able to create more good for more people.

Isn’t it better to attract wealth to yourself with good intentions to share and do good in the world than leave it to those who simply want money for material assets or to use the power of money to do harm?  It is always the intention that makes the difference.

When you don’t value what you do and give everything away for free you devalue yourself and what you offer to others.  How can you expect others to put a great deal of value on  you or your services/products if you are not doing so yourself.

Perhaps if you see money as your gauge to measure your own abundance you will begin to see why you are attracting, or not as the case may be, the people, objects and situations that are manifested.

Think about the common tag lines you find repeating over and over in your life when you think of money or your personal worth or value.  It is a form of brain washing if you constantly run a loop of internal dialogue stating ‘People like me never have money’ or ‘I will never amount to anything’.  Is it then a surprise that you rarely create more than a basic living.

These baseline beliefs run unmonitored and constantly underneath your day to day actions and therefore driving how you react to situations that present themselves.  The opportunities for wealth and prosperity that occur may be turned down or you may not even be aware of their existence.  Awareness of these beliefs is key to any form of change.  When the beliefs we run our lives with are not supporting our progress and ability to bring prosperity we look for further evidence of our unworthiness. As the evidence takes hold it is less and less easy to take action to disprove these disempowering beliefs as they leave us feeling powerless and stuck.  We tie ourselves up as we self sabotage our own ability to help ourselves.

The way out of this pattern is not always easy, but it just takes one step towards change to start to tip the balance into action and a way forward.  If you think about what you want to achieve and ask yourself ‘What has stopped me up until now?’ and ‘What do I need to have to achieve this?’ The answers give you clues as to your beliefs about your ability and lack of affinity with wealth to secure what you need to be successful.  Now notice the feeling you experience if you push and force yourself to just take action – maybe making a phone call to market your product/services.  What is that feeling? Does the inability to act appear to be so true it is like a brick wall and totally undoable?

The feelings you are experiencing are the force of your unconscious beliefs that have been there for so long they are your normal.  It is like having a rucksack on your back for so long and it gets heavier and heavier, but it happens so gradually you don’t notice the extra weight only the consequences.  As you begin to address these issues and alter your behaviour and habits you notice you feel lighter as the load is taken off of your rucksack.  Similarly you probably don’t even notice the heavy feeling in your heart or the pressure on your shoulders or the tension in your muscles but over time they have become exaggerated and caused you to form habits that avoid dealing with the action required to change your circumstances. The habits created support your procrastination and paralysis of action as that seems the better prospect, a very uncomfortable comfort zone, but not quite painful enough to push you into action.

Now allow yourself to think about where you are going to be in two years or maybe five years if you keep these beliefs and accompanying habits.  Are you going to be in a place of deep contentment and peace?  Can these fearful beliefs ever bring about the good things you dream of?  Or is the stark reality that you will be even more fearful and anxious?  What will all of this tension and pressure cause?  Will you be alone and suffering ill-health?  Paint a picture of this path that you are taking and notice just how uncomfortable that feels?  Now if you had a choice would you take this path?  What if the choices have been there all along, but you were not able previously to see them.  Take time to think about what you would tell a friend if they were in the same situation.  Assist in pointing out there may be other ways to think about this situation, other options.  What other paths are beginning to become apparent?  All this time you have used your energy and time to avoid uncomfortable situations and you are being taken down a path that will lead to exactly what you were attempting to avoid more pain and unhappiness.

Is it possible to take a step out of your comfort zone?  The truth is when you do feel uncomfortable you are learning something.  What if you could embrace the possibility of feeling uncomfortable in the knowledge you are gaining valuable learning that will develop your emotional strength. This in turn providing evidence of your ability to take control of your own situation.  Sustainable wealth and prosperity is far more accessible to you when you possess a set of supportive beliefs that encompass your own worthiness. This frees up an openness to receiving what was always there ready to meet your needs and the level of receiving will be measured and regulated by your own rule of fairness, value and expectation of wealth.

Karen Oliver

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