Blog Post

Energy Follows Intention

karenoliver31 • 20 December 2015

I am sure I am not the only one who has thought about a friend I haven’t contacted for a long time and suddenly I get a call or an E-Mail or bump into them.  Is this coincidence?  This has happened so frequently that I don’t believe it can be. If we think of ourselves as energetic beings we all resonate at a vibrational level and cannot help but give out waves of energy that communicate with not only those around us, but worldwide as an energetic network.  It is impossible not to communicate even when we are not speaking or giving visual clues as to our inner emotions we are continuously sending out these signals that have an effect on our fellow-man.

If this is true then how powerful could we as a universal race be when we focus our energy on peace and joy?  We are constantly bombarded by images and dialogue that teach us the world is an unsafe place, but is that really the case or is it just the media sensationalising all that is negative in the world leaving us with a very unbalanced view of our habitat.  There is much debate on whether there is a tipping point of man’s frequency of thought.  If 51% of the population raises their vibration to consistent thoughts of peace, love and joy the remaining 49% would quickly follow.  Imagine if you could influence others in a positive way and contribute to the tipping point for peace.  The tipping point has been observed in the habits of monkeys.  An island colony of monkeys main diet consisted of fruit. One day a single monkey decided to take his piece of fruit and wash it in the sea.  Gradually the monkeys followed suit and once the percentage reached the tipping point of 51% the rest of the island intuitively carried out the same washing ritual without being taught or having observed the monkeys that carried out this fruit washing.  The energy frequency became so strong it influenced the remaining monkeys.

If this is true then it all starts with one-act of peace and love to be replicated to produce a universal shift.  Doesn’t that change the way you view that one solitary act towards peace?  It may have seemed to be futile, the lone voice attempting to share with a world that does not appear to be open to listening to the message you believe will be the world’s salvation.  So what if you could just pass your message on to one person who felt equally committed and passionate about the message of peace.  Would that bring about the changes that will create a more cohesive world community?

We rely very heavily on the spoken word and our power of logic to manipulate opinion, politicians are experts.  But we have lost our faith in our own energetic ability to model our world and connect to our human network.  We are all linked and whilst we work independently are covertly working as one colony giving out unconscious signals and picking up on others energetic vibrations.  What would be possible if we overtly recognised the group power we possess and the ability to focus on the movement that would best suit mankind and the world?

Because we are earth bound beings we are tied to three dimensional thinking and are not always able to comprehend the power of an energy that has no bounds.  How can we think of someone on the other side of the world and have an effect? Energy has no distance and therefore has no time or spatial limits.  Our own aura is more wide spread than we think.  In fact it spreads at least six foot from our physical bodies.  it is no wonder that we feel a change of mood when people are close by as we are in the presence of others’ energy.  Research on prayer is well documented and has a positive effect on the subject being prayed for with reports of healing being accelerated and recovery more frequent.  Sending energy with good intention cannot be contained or stopped and the bigger the group the more powerful the effect.  This gives rise to all sorts of possibilities for personal, community & universal change.

To back up intention we need to possess strong belief and religion is a good example of this.  When we believe we are complying with our religious beliefs and values we have a sense of contentment and peace as we live up to our ideals.  When a group of people sing hymns and praise god the energy of the whole group becomes very powerful and each individual is empowered by the vibrations of the good intentions expressed.  It is an example of where the whole becomes bigger than the component parts.  Group meditation also has the effect of building energy and when sent for the good of others who may be suffering is said to aid healing.

I have noticed my own vibrational level influences the responses I receive and the level of activity within my network of friends and family.  The frequency of my consistent thought brings back a universal response that is congruent with that vibration.  If you are consistently living with a level of fear and anxiety it is not possible for the universe to bring about a calm and peaceful response.  Take a moment to think about the overall response you seem to meet with in the world?  Do you receive love and peace or are you surrounded by turmoil and chaos?

The good news is although you may be attracting less than positive events to yourself because you are determining and manifesting your own reality you in turn are solely able to make the changes that can bring the love, peace and contentment you seek.

Sometimes it is not easy to assess your own vibration as you may have been consistently anxious for some years and the feelings you experience are your normal way of being.  To become more aware of your current emotional state, take a moment to be in a quiet place and take a few deep breaths.  Now scan your body from head to toe and notice where there may be some physical sensations, maybe a tightness in your chest or butterflies in your stomach.  Just be with that feeling for a moment and notice how it feels.  Just ask yourself what is the positive intention of this feeling?  You may have to dig deep, but this thinking and vibration was originally created to bring about something beneficial although the consequence of these thoughts and feelings may not be positive.  Just allow an answer to surface without need for over analysing or searching for the answer, just listen to your unconscious reaction to the question.  The first thing that occurs to you is usually the right answer according to your body and the origins of this feeling.  Now that you are aware of the purpose of this feeling, just ask yourself whether keeping this feeling is every going to achieve that positive intention of happiness, contentment peace etc.?

Take time to allow the following self-reflecting questions bring up the answers from within you.  Just allow the answers to surface and trust they are true for you.

What label would you put on this feeling?  What if it were possible to go about your daily routine without this feeling?  What feeling would you prefer to utilise to assist in your life?  Have you experienced this preferred feeling before?  How different do you look when you consciously decide to take this empowering feeling on as a natural way of being?  How do others react to you?  How much easier is it to work through your day with this new feeling?  How has your internal dialogue become more positive and motivating?  What do you believe about yourself when you adopt this feeling?

Once you become accustomed to positively focusing your energy on the feelings that support your development you can begin to move towards the empowering outcomes you now believe are possible.  When your mind is invested in the outcome and believes you are capable of success it is much easier to work with all of your resources and thoughts driving you in the same direction and for the same beneficial purpose.

As you continue to raise your own vibration with hopeful and capable thoughts and let go of any fear you will not only be helping yourself, but beginning to aid the whole of humankind to a more hopeful future and a more unified world.

Wishing you all a peaceful and joyful Christmas!

Karen Oliver

07782 381855/01932 403780 Please leave a message if I am not available to take your call.

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