Blog Post

Are you Defined by a Label?

Karen Oliver • 6 March 2020

Do Labels Connect Us?

Labels are an everyday part of our lives. We label objects, places, organisations and wear labels to signify belonging to a group or an allegiance to a brand.Even our names are a form of label that we identify with. Without labels we would live in chaos and travelling, working, and even shopping trips would present many challenges. Labels are an effective way of conveying meaning quickly and efficiently.

I do however, question how far we have come in assigning labels. There are many positives in identifying and labeling and grouping people. Some groups support and help individuals with specific issues and membership to that group brings positive and much needed assistance and support. These grouping are understood and benefit our society in many ways with specific learning difficulties, physical disabilities etc. However, for groups created for some minorities this can lead to making incorrect generalisations and assumptions that attract negative attention or cause members to be further marginalised.

I am sure when all groups are created the intention is to bring like minded people together and the members gain from a sense of belonging and a network of support. However, often people are involuntarily categorised into groups due to bias and ignorance born of fear. The divisions that are drawn separate individuals and single them out for criticism and judgement and in the worst cases bullying. The more we are identified and slotted into a particular group the more we are categorised and labeled the more we are divided. While we have been rightly working towards equal rights and away from discrimination ever since we abolished slavery and women were able to vote inadvertently we have now successfully divided up our communities into micro groups that quite often have the reverse effect.

Some categories are a part of every day life. Just by applying for a passport we have been sorted by nationality, gender, and age. I can't help thinking the very fact we identify by our differences we further the division and decision that we are separate and different to others. The media do a good job of emphasising labels and the need to identify and box ourselves into a category. Divisions become visible in every context of our lives creating a heightened awareness of being different despite our apparent allegiances.

School can unwittingly encourage these divisions and unwanted attention by the segregating of specials needs, dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, ADHD and the list goes on.It is impossible to gain oneness while seeking out further reasons we are treated differently and discriminated against.The constant divisions of people into micro groups can cause friction rather than harmony. When we put aside our differences we are strong and present a positive energy that is bigger than the sum of our parts. The success of the human race came from uniting and joining resources. Does it really matter what race, religion, sexual orientation, political view, learning difficulty or even physical features we have. What happened to celebrating our uniqueness and pooling our resources as one big group of international people.

We have learnt to look at differences and believe we are separate partly due to our earthly existence within our three dimensional world where most of the information we take in comes through our five senses. Within our limited view we see ourselves and everyone and everything as being completely separate and unrelated. However, this perception is not the whole story and at a quantum theory level we are all intrinsically linked and affect each other. In fact not only is this evident with human beings, but with every living thing and to take this one step further there is a universal pattern that links all and is affected by all. The balance of nature is an example of these rules each species affect and rely on another which brings a natural order. Nothing works in isolation and everything we do has an effect on others and our environment. Therefore when we apply this to ourselves seeing through all of the carefully segregated groups we have created and the associated labels can help us to let go of judgement and accept others. Breaking down the assumptions and barriers these labels can create is the best way forward for us all.

Fear can often be the divider pushing us into our segregated safe haven where we know what to expect. But once we realise this approach has the opposite outcome it is time to challenge our narrow view. Taking ourselves out of our comfort zones and exploring a new environment with different people gives us better understanding, promotes tolerance and a desire to search for oneness. We can now recognise a chance for positive learning is available in taking time with those who appear on the surface to be most unlike ourselves and outside or our usual circles. We stand to truly gain a better comprehension of how unity is the most powerful force for good that we have. Unity promotes the act of giving unconditionally for the good of others and not just ourselves. Fundamentally given the opportunity we all want to give love and to be loved. The usefulness of the labels we have developed become negated when we feel safe enough to let go of the perceived protection of our clans. When we are able to erase constrictions of belonging to a specific country, species and our planet we become an energetic element of the universe. It is by letting go that we gain a sense of freedom and equality. Every element of the universe is important and makes up the rich pattern of life. Through connection and understanding we create a more cohesive and peaceful future for all inhabitants of our planet.

Learn how to develop and support your ability to connect by attending the ConneXions Group created with the aim of being a safe place to express yourself honestly, listen and be heard, learn new resources to help develop deeper connection and more peaceful and effective relationships.

Find out more details call or E-Mail and to register to attend please use the following link and contact form:

Date:   10th March 2020 and thereafter the second Tuesday of the month

Venue:   Sunshine Clinic, 175 Send Rd, Woking GU23 7ET

Time:   6.30 - 8pm

Cost:    £15

Karen Oliver:

07782 381855/01932 403780

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