Blog Post

Boost Your Immune System & Stay Healthy!

Karen Oliver • 15 March 2020

5 Steps to Create Vibrant Health

We have all been made very aware of the Coronavirus and the ensuing panic that has been rippling around the world. What can we do for our selves apart from the obvious measures that have been consistently reinforced regarding our own personal hygiene. We have no control over the media and how they communicate these issues although I would advise limited viewing of the news. However, we do have control over how we feel and can choose how we react to these challenges.

It is always beneficial to keep in mind the current challenges will pass and in the unlikely event we are infected it is very likely we would make a full recovery within seven days. We have survived many debilitating diseases and conditions that cannot compare to the viruses that come and go. The only people at risk are those with underlying health issues and compromised immune systems who unfortunately are at risk with any common infection. By stepping out of the constant updates we can take back some perspective and reclaim our calm, logic and peace of mind.

Worry, and the resulting anxiety and panic are never useful states. These debilitating states do not solve any situation and promote internal emotional discord and diminish rational thought. Running and repeating a worry pattern triggers a consistent feeling of being under threat and panic. Panic is the result of a rush of adrenaline and cortisol priming our bodies for flight, fight or freeze. The consequence on the body of consistent panic and worry is an impaired immune system leaving us far more open to catching viruses and developing diseases.

When we are fearful we often respond with behaviour that bypasses our conscious mind and logic. In our everyday lives we can interpret unexpected challenges as a need to worry and panic. If we take a moment to step back and reflect on how this pattern has improved any situation, it might not be easy to recall any productive results from these emotional programmed responses. We may have learnt this behaviour from others and these paradigms can be formed when we are children with limited resources to deal with the challenges in life. Perhaps we experienced a trauma and became fearful of a similar trauma re-occurring. Unconsciously we anticipated and searched for similar situations that would lead to such trauma in an attempt to avoid such an event at all costs. Unfortunately by focusing energy on avoiding trauma the pattern of worry and panic is triggered. As the pattern is frequently activated and repeated over time the trigger becomes more sensitive.

So what can we do to alleviate worry and panic?

  1. Bring your mind into the present. There is no power in living in the past or anticipating the future. Nothing can be changed until your mindset is in the present and able to support your actions for change. To ground yourself in the present focus on how your body feels right now. If you are sitting notice your legs against the chair and your feet on the floor. Become aware of how your shoulders feel and your arms and hands are resting in your lap. As you bring all of your attention to your body your focus allows you to enjoy the now where there are no issues.
  2. To help you continue to focus on the present practise taking long deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth to the count of four in and four out for at least three minutes.
  3. Allow your mind to focus on a place of complete peace and calm. It can be somewhere you have been or an imaginary place. Take time to see your surroundings taking in the vivid colours and images. Perhaps seeing trees and wildlife, the sea or a lake. Natural environments tend to be more relaxing. Hear the sounds in the environment perhaps the sound of waves lapping on the beach or the wind through the trees or maybe some relaxing music. Notice how you feel in this place at this time. Where do you feel that sense of calm in your body? Maybe it is in your heart or your chest. Wherever it is enhance that feeling, make it stronger and more powerful. Imagine a coloured light resonating out from that part and becoming brighter and bigger beaming out into your aura and filling up your energy field with bright vibrant colour. There maybe some tastes or smells associated with this peaceful place, maybe the aroma of the salty sea on the sea breeze or the taste of a cold refreshing long drink. Keep breathing deeply and focusing on this peaceful place and notice how much calmer you feel.
  4. Now notice any internal dialogue you have been repeating that has previously triggered worry and panic. Perhaps you have found yourself often thinking 'My immune system is not very effective.' or 'I am prone to catching diseases.' Imagine running these phrases, but speed them up. Run them a few times at this new high speed and rewind them back as if on tape and rerun again. Now change the tone of the voice to a character like Mickey Mouse or Daffy Duck and rerun several times. Now notice how the phrase has lost its power as it becomes less and less believable. As you now feel free of the power of the voice move it outside and away from yourself and place it inside of a balloon. Become aware it is no longer a part of you and let go of the balloon and observe as it floats away the voice becoming quieter and quieter and fainter and fainter until you can no longer hear it and your mind is peaceful and quiet. With your new found peace of mind create a new more empowering phrase that encapsulates what you would like to believe. Some ideas might be: 'My immune system is getting better and better.' 'My health is improving every day.' or 'It is possible for me to remain healthy and fit.'
  5. To help promote all of the above steps use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to let go of any resistance to being calm and peaceful. Sometimes we mistakenly believe we have to hold on to beliefs about worrying and panicking in an attempt to predict, anticipate, control and protect ourselves. However, worry and panic have the opposite effect to our positive intentions. Download the EFT Tapping Points Chart - free your mind, gain back peace of mind, calm and optimum health.

For professional coaching and guidance to let go of your worry and dis-empowering emotional patterns more easily contact me and take advantage of a 20 minute free phone assessmentto discuss your challenges and how the techniques can help you!
Skype Consultations Available - Remain in the comfort of your own home

Karen Oliver
07782 381855/01932 403780

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