Blog Post

Discover Your Personal Freedom!

Karen Oliver • 28 May 2020

Open Your Mind to the Possibilities

Mankind has fought so hard for centuries for freedom and right now it might seem like it has been taken away by a virus. I am sure many of us are not finding the current confinement easy and the physical freedom we had taken for granted is something we all yearn for. And yet even when we did enjoy the physical freedom, despite how emancipated we consider ourselves as a race, many of us continue to trap ourselves in our own perceived personal prisons.

When we believe freedom is an external possession that is given to us we lose the possibility and power to free ourselves. Even though we are in lockdown we can free our mind and find peace and tranquility. Freedom therefore is a perception and many of us before lockdown had caged our minds so convincingly that we may as well have been physically tethered to a post or trapped in a cage.

'The hardest prison escape is your MIND'

To varying degrees we live within our perceived limits, our glass ceiling that keeps us within our perceptions of what is possible for us. Shaped by our upbringing and experiences our lives can move in ever decreasing circles. To defy old outmoded beliefs it is imperative we take steps to strive out of our comfort zone. It is necessary to take risks and move into the unknown. Fear is the only real stopper in the emotional and mental freedom we seek.

Lockdown has given many of us a gift of time to spend working on our own internal issues and develop our personal growth. I am sure many of us have become more consciously aware of certain habits and characteristics that have heightened since we have withdrawn from the world. It is very easy to believe we have freedom when we allow ourselves to be distracted by external stimuli, but we have now been facing ourselves like never before. Many of us have found our vices have intensified. It is important to forgive ourselves for those and ask ourselves what is this behaviour trying to do for us? Vices are a way of avoiding intense emotion that often we don't feel equipped to deal with. So is it best to numb these emotions? Are they too much? These emotions are our life force our drivers the very essence of what can free us. When we channel this emotion into positive action we free ourselves.

Ask yourself when have you been most productive and successful. I can guarantee your answer would not only contain positive action, but also very strong emotions that helped you to commit to the mission you consistently focused on. The answer to freedom is to truly feel those emotions and look inside to clear the previous fear of what having those emotions mean. Frequently the judgement of these intense emotions involve childhood incidents. Who hasn't been told at some point as an excited child to calm down. Of course parents are bound to make these requests at times, but when this becomes a threat instead of a request on a daily basis the child in his attempt to be safe will comply and begin to believe that being overexcited is to be avoided. Unfortunately the child can take this coping strategy into adult life and seek to numb and quell these unacceptable feelings. The adult learns to diminish the very emotions and energy they were blessed with that would ultimately bring them a sense of purpose, direction and freedom. These natural emotions when allowed to be and develop allow each of us to channel our gifts for the good of ourselves and others. Avoiding our core emotions deny ourselves and the world of the person we were meant to be. It denies us the ability to show up and serve and share our individual important message. Therefore finding our own personal freedom is not only important for ourselves, but it is beneficial for those around us.

If you have become aware of your own glass ceiling and limiting behaviour take stock.
If you received a message your emotions were not acceptable, was it true?
What does it say about the person who delivered this message?
Is it a reflection of their limiting beliefs?
How is life going for them?
The person who passed on this message was doing the best they can and reflecting their own issues that perhaps they adopted from their caregivers.
Were they struggling with their own challenges?
What rules are you living by and have not until now questioned?
Are you ready to reassess what it means to be free and your own ability to free yourself?

Freedom was never a requisite of our physical world. It exists within our ability to believe and create possibility. We were not born to play small, but brought into this world to take part in a big way, to show up with all of our attributes. We have a responsibility not only to ourselves, but to others to bring all that we are to assist in our mental and emotional freedom that will bring our best selves to a world that truly needs it.

There are many modalities to assist in finding your personal freedom.
Take a look at the EFT Tapping Chart and empower yourself today.

Karen Oliver
07782 381855/01932 403780
Video call consultations available
20 minute free phone assessments available

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