Blog Post

The Importance of Belief

Karen Oliver • 13 August 2020

There are many beliefs we may hold about life and what we want to achieve but belief is much more than just a set of rules we live by. Our core belief system is our lifeline, it is at the heart of everything we do.

Belief does not render us immune from adversity but it gives us the tools to ride the storm. Adversity often as not strengthens our belief and sharpens our resolve to continue with more energy and passion.

Whatever angle our core beliefs come from is not important. However, it is vital we hold beliefs that are right for us as individuals. Empowering core beliefs whether religious or spiritual can bring a sense of acceptance and help us to stop fighting and accept the aspects of life that are not in our control. They allow us to give up our issues to our higher source and take on a sense of knowing that it will work out best if we have faith. This does not mean we are inactive but we are more inclined to look inside and find a way to work through any obstacles in a more measured and peaceful way.

Often we hear that we are influenced by blind faith but all faith and belief is blind and indeed that is the very nature of belief. If it was all there in black and white there would be no need for belief it would be certainty. This can be a block for some of us when it comes to holding strong belief. We have been taught to trust what we see and pick up with our senses and belief is not a tangible object.

Many of us fear the unknown and feel we have to keep a tight grip on everything. When we are fearful of letting go it can cause a huge amount of unnecessary stress and pressure and far from giving us more control often as not leaves us feeling out of control. When we focus inwards we discover the power we have in the world is in how we think, feel and react. All three of these areas are intrinsically linked. We have a thought and create a meaning which gives us a feeling and we decide how to react. When we are being driven by fear due to lack of any anchoring belief the result is unlikely to be positive. Beliefs bring us a base of security from which we can run our lives and make sense of the world. We may have decided we don't want to be seen as naive or gullible and created a cynical view of the world. It is not easy to develop any meaningful belief when cynicism disrupts our ability to trust. In reality the majority of what we believe in life is not based in truth. All possibility comes out of the unknowns. When we are open to belief we are allowing the unknowns to manifest the opportunities we seek and often it seems as if they come out of nowhere. If we consistently stick to our old patterns for fear of the unknowns the chance of manifesting new opportunities is unlikely. Once we have learnt to trust and take that leap of faith we break free of old limiting patterns and reawaken our ability to accept the unknowns are the doorway to fulfilment.

The human condition drives us to make sense of our lives and find meaning. It is more common in our youth to not attach any in depth beliefs to our purpose and mission. In fact we may be more likely to verbalise what we do not believe in. It becomes more compelling as we travel through adulthood to ask important questions and on our quest for answers align ourselves with core beliefs that bring comfort, understanding and faith.

Belief allows us to live our present as we release the fear of the future. As it gets easier to remain present with belief we are fully empowering each day and our future will positively transform with every moment that we live our unique truth. Therefore, it is imperative we develop strong and positive belief about what is above and beyond us to
give meaning to our lives and faith and trust to live fully and completely present. When we are hijacked by fear of the future we lose the ability to manifest our dreams and enhance our love of life as we live in a constant state of anxiety produced by past patterns.

In the modern world it is not easy to shut out the consistent noise of threat and disaster and we can be forgiven for believing our world is a dangerous place that requires us to be ever vigilent and anxious. However, these very messages stop us from living the full and satisfying lives we dream of. While caution and common sense are helpful, faith and belief are crucial. During each individual's lifetime we will experience adversity and challenge and it is faith and belief that allow us to continue in the knowledge out of chaos will come something worthwhile and positive. Human success has always prevailed when we have had enough belief to carry us through the chaos of war, disasters, pandemics, tyranny and injustice. Belief not only makes the unbearable bearable it also allows us to accept, forgive and take learning, encouraging growth and development and the ability to lead others. Our species strength is in our unity. Therefore, the stronger and more widespread we hold our beliefs the more resilient we become. Belief is essential for productivity, achievement, consciousness and true fulfilment, it is the lifeline of humanity.

Karen Oliver
07782 381855/01932 403780

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