Blog Post

Empower Your Health

Karen Oliver • 8 October 2020

Get in Touch with Your Own Ability to Influence Your Health

'Health is not just being disease free, it is when every cell of your body is bouncing with joy'

It is so easy to take our health for granted and it is often not until we experience a health challenge that many of us really pay attention to our own part in our overall health.

We all spend so much time being busy we often don't really appreciate what we have until it is under threat of being taken away. The importance of taking care of our well being can not be emphasised enough. When we neglect our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual needs our whole system is vulnerable and prone to disease. All four elements are interlinked and play a part in our overall health and happiness.

In recent years stress has been highlighted and is well documented as a big contributor to undermining our health. When stress exists in our system for prolonged periods it alters our energy and brings discord and can lead to disease. In the western world we tend to treat symptoms and little focus is applied to where those symptoms started and the imbalance in the energy system. When we look at our energy system as a whole and identify the cause it is much easier to rectify the imbalance and regain vibrant energy. Have you ever wondered why those with disease are so tired? Disease is exhausting for the body as all the focus is on the discomfort and the body is doing its best to fight off the threat. Over time this can contribute further to the disease becoming a chronic or even acute condition.

In eastern medicine there is much more emphasis on prevention and holistic medicine approach raises awareness with the individual of the power they possess to influence their overall health. It is not always easy to recognise when stress has been in our system for too long, but it is likely we will have minor symptoms that we either ignore or manage without looking into what we could change to dissipate the discomfort. When minor symptoms occur it is our body's way of signalling there is disharmony and to take action. Often if we pay attention at this point we can rectify the issue and regain harmony. It might be over working, lack of sleep, relationship issues or some other form of unease in our lives that contribute to these symptoms. By taking time to tune into our body and the emotion that accompanies the symptom it is easier to get in touch with our feelings. Just by paying attention to emotional discord and giving our concerns a voice while applying any number of energy or breathing techniques can dissipate the discomfort. These techniques require us to be present which breathing techniques are very effective in achieving. Just by taking deep breaths in through the nose to the count of 4 and out through the mouth to the count of 4 for a couple of minutes you will notice a change in your energy and emotional state.

Many of us are out of touch with our bodies and feelings which can mean mild discomfort goes unnoticed for some time. When we are alerted of an issue we are likely to dismiss any thought we have any control to alleviate the situation.

The western world has predominantly taught us to trust our intellectual ability and we have not developed an understanding of what our body is frequently trying to tell us. Unfortunately when we ignore the minor symptoms' messages and continue on our way without thought or action to make any changes we are likely to incur major symptoms that forcibly stop us in our tracks. Our unconscious mind works though our body and its sole purpose is to ensure we survive. If its warnings are ignored and our survival is considered under threat it will ensure we are stopped temporarily to preserve our lives. Better that we have a migraine that closes us down for a few days than burn out completely. Better that we have a bout of dizziness than do something that goes against our core beliefs and will cause deep distress. Of course our unconscious does not always get it right and phobias are an example of this. In these instances it requires an update of beliefs and for the stimuli that is the subject of the phobia to be neutralised. This may require professional help and guidance.

However, many of our symptoms are designed to stop us from endangering our health. Unfortunately many of us rely on pain killers to quieten the symptom rather than address the issue. It is easier in the short term to continue with the way of life we are used to and perhaps the changes that are required would cause some upset or upheaval. Our body and emotions know our truth even when we can't consciously admit them to ourselves. Our energy body is compromised when we do not live our truth and will prod us with symptoms on to the right path for our individual well being. The wisest course of action is to learn to be in tune with our emotions, body and sensations. Once we tap into our body's messages it can be easy to make those small changes that bring back the balance and harmony to our lives.

One of the easiest energy techniques to apply to dissipate emotional distress is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). By addressing the disruption in our energy body we can release any negative thoughts and beliefs to help us align with our truth and the optimal changes that would support our overall health. EFT works holistically on our emotions, energy body, mental and spiritual health bringing balance and harmony. By raising our vibration EFT brings movement into previously stuck thoughts and challenges and promotes a sense of peace and joy.

Karen Oliver
01932 403780/07782 381855

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