Blog Post

Bravery is the Virtue of the Free

Karen Oliver • 12 November 2020

Discover Your Courage

I have looked at many definitions of 'brave' and the Oxford Dictionary says - 
Able or ready to face and endure danger or pain.

The classic perception of bravery is frequently played out on the big screen in action films as a swashbuckling hero risking his or her life. There is however a more subtle form of bravery that is an everyday occurrence exhibited by remarkable and yet ordinary people.  This brand of bravery has been very prevalent during this strange time of lockdown, tiers and PPE.

Bravery is not only in the realm of the adventurer or the explorer and does not have to involve jumping out of a plane or climbing Mount Everest.  It is however alive and kicking in every street of every town on Earth.  

Bravery is the ability to face adversity with an open heart and a commitment to deep held beliefs and values.  The courage to stand up for something even when there is a likelihood we will be ridiculed or pressured to back down.

Bravery is acting on a promise to ourselves to be true to who we are not to prove to others but to impress ourselves.  A silent commitment to show up, stand up or speak up.  

'Be the change you want to see in the world' 
Mahatma Gandhi

Bravery comes in many guises, but never deviates from working towards something higher and beyond ourselves.  The quest is for something better for all.  The courage to stand up in opposition to common belief and deliver a message that contradicts the views of the majority takes bravery and the ability to suffer the slings and arrows with dignity.  

The knowingness that the message will be unpopular and leave the speaker open to judgement and yet that it is necessary to bring about change for the better is something many of us may shy away from.
However, we all seem to find a deep level of courage when we truly believe a message or action is vital.  True bravery is not born out of personal gain, but a genuine care for living things and the plight of humanity.

Often we have been held back by the fear of the unknown and the worst case scenario stories we tell ourselves.  Once we master that fear and understand all of our best moments are manifested from the unknown the fear subsides.  Every possibility we can imagine is in the ether just waiting to become our reality.  The courage to step into the unknown takes faith and trust and once we take those steps outside of the comfort zone we are on our way to emotional freedom.  Even when we sit within our familiar patterns for fear of something unexpected we will meet with adversity.  The vital difference is when we trust in the unknown we commit to purposeful action and a solution and if we trap ourselves with the familiar we dwell on why this has happened to us.  Try as we might to stop change, our lives and our world are constantly evolving and to resist change is not only futile but detrimental.  

To grow and develop our challenge is to think of adversity as a chance to learn.  To see every mistake as a lesson and embrace the unknown and its priceless gifts.  The majority of us will experience great challenge in our lives.  This is not a reason to hide away and play it small, it is a call to show up and bring our individual qualities and to serve our life's purpose.  Whether you believe your calling is divine or universal your presence is necessary to bring about change for the betterment of all.  Bravery is not being devoid of fear it is mastering fear.  It is being aware of the magnitude of what lays before us and greeting it face on.  Those who mock our actions and ideas are likely to be still living in fear of change.  Have compassion and understanding for their situation.  Many of us lived in that dark place for a long time.  Be grateful for the bravery you manifested and the freedom gained to live in alignment with your ideals 

'Bravery is not the absence of fear. Bravery is feeing the fear, the doubt, the insecurity and deciding that something else is more important'
Marl Manson

Ready to Manage Your Fear?

Karen Oliver
07782 381855/01932 403780
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