While we all seek to create and maintain harmonious relationships, it seems
this state of harmony with our significant other is not always easy to
acquire. And I can't help wondering if our expectations are too high and
our willingness to persist and meet the challenges has deteriorated. In a
world of quick fixes and instant gratification we are giving up and moving on
only to find we fall into the same pattern in the next relationship.
Maybe you can justify break ups with reasons, and sometimes those are valid,
how many times have you got past the honeymoon stage and not liked the
reality of your partner’s annoying habits? What if this pattern is also a
reflection of your own intolerance and judgment of self. It is not
possible to create a harmonious relationship when there is inner discord with who
you are.
We abandon our chance of harmony when we do not focus on seeking the best in our partners.
Persistence within relationships is a path to growth and development in self approval and
acceptance and in recognition of our own virtues.
The quality of our communication uncovers the beliefs we hold about ourselves. Although we may try to ignore or veil our inner most insecurities they surface in our interactions and seek out faults and problems in alignment with limiting self-beliefs. So the perfect mate after only three months later degenerates into a mirror reflection of self judgments, doubts and fears.
If you don't want to jump from one break up to another the first step is to look at how you communicate with yourself. Is your inner dialogue compassionate, encouraging and forgiving or judging and insulting? When you allow constant inner dialogue to continue under the radar your truth is compromised by your less than glowing view of yourself. This type of inner dialogue is like brainwashing and is never going to bring you inner peace. Become aware of your chatter, observe it and notice how frequently you berate yourself. Once you have this awareness it is easier to make choices. Have these thoughts produced the results you desire or do they contribute to the lack of manifesting a satisfying and fulfilling lasting relationship? Perhaps you are attracting the relationship which fits your current negatively biased view of what you deserve.
How can you begin to create change in your inner narrative? First and fore most it is necessary to be more consciously aware of the inner dialogue to runs and notice how it affects your emotional state. Once you note how frequently you are allowing this torrent of abuse to take place you are in a position of choice. What would you like to believe about yourself? Is that possible? Now that it is, begin with questioning that inner dialogue. Is this really true about me? Do I deserve better? Aren't I just as good as everyone else? Am I loveable? Is it possible for me to forgive myself? The answers to these questions will give you an gauge of the status of your beliefs about yourself and how this has a compromising effect on your abilities. What if you could switch your focus from the behaviours you are critical of and turn your attention to the elements that are acceptable. If I liked and accepted myself now what attributes would I notice? Create a list and say each quality out loud, and if you feel able right now, look into the mirror as you speak your positive possibilities. Notice how it feels to verbalise these qualities. Tell yourself that even though you are not entirely comfortable with how you have felt about yourself up until now, you can be a little happier today.
We often learn limiting beliefs from those closest to us as we grow up and take on board opinions that were never ours in the first place and as such can be frequently misinterpreted. What if the belief you developed from a comment was never intended in the way it was perceived and you have spent a life time living in alignment with a false belief. When those around us are under stress we may be the target for their hurt, anger or sadness. It is not easy logically to see past this behavior especially when we are young children with limited ability to rationalise. Evaluate your beliefs, and ask yourself - How did they start? Are they unsuitable and outdated? Untrue and unhelpful? If these beliefs did not belong to me, but were passed down and therefore not valid, as I do not hold ownership, what other beliefs and behaviours would this new realisation affect? What other beliefs could I begin to grow if these false beliefs were no longer present for me?
It is not until we question and address our relationship with ourselves that we can begin to manifest the partnership we desire. Nurturing the qualities we admire in ourselves and noticing the progress we are making gives us a path to our authentic self, the person we truly desire to be. We sometimes become hijacked by what we think will make us happy, but once we trust our own instincts and have the courage to follow them we are truly on track. It is not easy to attract an authentic soul mate if you are not being yourself for fear of judgement. If you are intending on sending out a universal advert for a partner be sure to shine the light on the beauty of who you are. Accept even the parts you previously considered to be weaknesses for they are your human perfect imperfections. When you are focusing on being at peace with every part of you creating harmony with a partner is a natural and rewarding process.
Student, Woking
Having suffered with anxiety and a lack of confidence for many years I decided it was time to get some help. I heard about Karen through a friend of mine. She is lovely and welcoming and made me feel at ease instantly. She taught me a range of different techniques and methods to help cope with my anxiety and improve my self-esteem. Over 3 sessions with her I noticed a huge difference within myself and was able to use her techniques in daily situations where normally I would have struggled. I can’t recommend her enough!
Coach, Toronto
I love working with Karen. Her EFT skills are epic. She always finds the right words that resonate with me to move me forward. Working with Karen has enabled me to begin to attract bigger opportunities that I knew I was ready for but that were stuck emotionally. Well, I'm stuck no more!!! Thank you Karen!
Project Manager, Camberley
Karen really embodies the concepts she teaches and inspires and encourages you to make changes."
Marketing Manager, Woking
Karen has been a very positive influence on my life and I am very grateful to have discovered her. I find her the most non-judgmental person I have ever come across. Her approach has helped me be more kind and accepting of myself and others and she has helped me really change some of my beliefs and habits. It's great how she helps people find their own inner resources and a path to move forward that is one's own rather than hers. She has also helped me and my husband to find a way back to good communication habits when the stress of work, kids and daily chores had made our communication unintentionally strained and grumpy. I highly recommend her."
Business Owner, Lyne
Karen Oliver is a very special and intuitive lady. I have been seeing her regularly and recommended over 15 friends to see her as she is so amazing. She has helped me with so many huge struggles in my present and my past including the loss of my mother and massive upheavals in my business.
Karen has a very gentle demeanor which makes you feel safe and able to share anything with her. She has a tremendous skill in finding the root of your issue and giving you the tools to help yourself. I always leave a session feeling I can cope with and handle anything and feel equipped to deal with whatever challenge comes next!
When life gives you lemons Karen shows you how to make lemonade! She is my hero.
Retired Teacher, Woking
As soon as I met Karen I felt at ease and more relaxed - as if a weight had been lifted off me.
She seemed to understand what I was experiencing straight away and managed to help me put my feelings and fears into words. It was so good to feel that connection and finally find some one who really understood how I was feeling. EFT has helped me with my over-anxious behaviour by enabling me to dissociate from fearful experiences.
It has been so helpful to learn the tools of how to manage thoughts and feelings and change my experience of inappropriate anxiety.
I always come away feeling relaxed, calm and positive after an EFT session.
It's helped me feel more in control of my life again and I feel safe.
Electrician, Chertsey
When I first met Karen many years ago now it has been life changing. Karen has helped me deal with stress and anxiety so much better and the EFT technique has changed my mindset. I would recommend Karen to anyone and have already recommended 5-6 close friends and family who feel the same. I now have the tools and I am so glad that I did meet Karen as I am a lot calmer now.
Finance, Manager, London
I came to Karen on a friend's recommendation. It was my first experience of therapy and I loved all of it. Karen guided and accompanied me through a huge personal growth journey. I learned so much about myself and feel that I have become a significantly happier person as a result. And I feel that my chances of finding happiness in the future is now greatly improved. Karen is hiighly skilled at getting to the very core of issues. She has a razor sharp perception and is very effective in unblocking my mental barriers. What I apprecite most about Karen is her siprituality, her kind demeanor and depth of experience. thank you Karen you are simply amazing!