What we are taught from an early age is flawed in its concepts. We are either rewarded for being a good girl/boy or punished for mistakes and labelled bad. At an identity level we associate with being good or bad instead of believing we are acceptable even when we don’t make great decisions and make mistakes. We are lovable even when we exhibit anger or say something that received a negative response. It is easy to see how we become scared of making mistakes and view them as failure and feel the pressure to conform even if it means suppressing our true nature. We learn what we think is expected of us and squeeze ourselves into that inflexible model ignoring our own dissatisfaction and objections. We accept the perceived world view on where we fit in and pay no attention to our need to bring our individuality to the table. We persuade and minupulate ourselves into that box for fear of ridicule and rejection.
If only we were taught from day one how to get every part of our brain to work together for the greater good there would be a whole lot more peace, kindness and contentment. Instead the messages we regularly receive encourage us to hide what we consider to be flaws, fit in with others and become critical and judgmental of ourselves.
At nursery school level we are encouraged to grow our childlike fantasies and allowed to express our individuality. When we enter full time education we are taught we are now big boys/girls and it all gets a bit serious. Gone is the free fun and in its place comes rules and expectations and our unique quirks can be viewed as disruptive and actively discouraged. It is the beginning of the road to conformity and the strong message there is a right and a wrong way to be! How would our children benefit from lessons on getting in touch with our emotions and expressing our needs. Some time put aside during the day to encourage free thought with no limits and given permission to dream big and then some! What if it wasn’t all about academic ability and ticks on charts. As we journey through the educational system it becomes less and less acceptable to stand out and exhibit emotions. We are not encouraged to express how we feel or even contemplate stating a need. How many times have you heard “You are too sensitive!” or “You are so emotional!” It is as if we are chastised for having these emotions at all. Academia all too readily encourages logical thought and perceives emotion as something that gets in the way. By the time we have emerged into the wide world through the educational system I am sure a good majority of us are left feeling we have to be devoid of emotion in order to succeed, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Think of your best achievements how would you describe the effort it took to get there? –
Without emotion there would be no reason to get up in the morning. We could not have a true purpose without emotion, it is the basis of our motivation, keeps us determined, persistent and focused. Without emotion we do not make good decisions or learn from our mistakes. All truly successful people rely on emotions and when making decisions would take note of how they feel : “I could feel in my gut it was the right thing for me.”
When we connect our logical thought with our emotions and accept they are a trusted gauge of how we are doing we are using the power of our whole mind and our whole being. We have been taught to believe our brain is for logical thinking, but that is only part of the truth and to have the capacity to understand and harness the full capacity of our brain we need to realise our minds are intrinsically linked to our hearts. Our thoughts provoke emotions that live in our bodies causing strong physical symptoms that are often overlooked and ignored, but these signs are useful and when taken into consideration give us a far better guide to whether we are on track or not. Quite often when we have ignored these physical signs for a period of time and suppressed the need that is hidden within our emotions the sign gets bigger and more painful. These signs can express themselves as many symptoms including panic attacks, heart burn and headaches. If we continue to ignore these physical warnings and the message they are trying to bring to our attention the symptoms are likely to escalate. What is this pain or discomfort trying to flag up? Maybe it is an area of your life style that is causing too much stress or you are struggling with a toxic relationship.
How many mental health issues are started or aggravated by not accepting emotions, trying to avoid uncomfortable emotions. We are not taught to accept our emotions let alone uncomfortable ones. Someone who is seen to be out of control could be described as an emotional wreck as if the emotions themselves are the reason for this person being so unwell. The answer – just numb them with medication. But the lack of emotion then takes the very spirit of the person away. Who would want to live with no feeling for anything? Although our emotions can bring us discomfort without them we also lose the highs and any hope of a worthwhile or purposeful life.
The answer is not to eliminate emotions, but to look at the thoughts that cause emotion. Begin to understand how thoughts resonate in the body. Become aware of thoughts and whether they require action or not. We have thousands of thoughts every day and not every one is worthy of a reaction. Like clouds across the sky we can just watch as they drift by and pick out those of worthy focus. When you feel a less than comfortable knot in your stomach or a tightness in your chest trace back to the thought that provoked that feeling. What did that thought trigger in you? Is it worthy of your attention? Is it safe to let it go? When we are able to identify the triggers we can begin to gain back some conscious control. When we allow these triggers to continually happen without knowing the source we disable ourselves to respond proactively or put the issue into perspective. Our logical thought and emotions separately are alike having a car without any means of steering or a boat without a rudder.
To utilise every aspect of our mind to produce the best results the mind/heart union is crucial. Creating a balance between the two encourages a healthy outlook and promotes a full experience of life as an engaged participant confident to play it large with a firm grounding. When the brain is trained to pay attention, where needed, to thoughts that encourage and serve and not to place any energy on those that undermine and sabotage, the path to success becomes so much easier!
Karen Oliver
07782 381855/01932 403780
Student, Woking
Having suffered with anxiety and a lack of confidence for many years I decided it was time to get some help. I heard about Karen through a friend of mine. She is lovely and welcoming and made me feel at ease instantly. She taught me a range of different techniques and methods to help cope with my anxiety and improve my self-esteem. Over 3 sessions with her I noticed a huge difference within myself and was able to use her techniques in daily situations where normally I would have struggled. I can’t recommend her enough!
Coach, Toronto
I love working with Karen. Her EFT skills are epic. She always finds the right words that resonate with me to move me forward. Working with Karen has enabled me to begin to attract bigger opportunities that I knew I was ready for but that were stuck emotionally. Well, I'm stuck no more!!! Thank you Karen!
Project Manager, Camberley
Karen really embodies the concepts she teaches and inspires and encourages you to make changes."
Marketing Manager, Woking
Karen has been a very positive influence on my life and I am very grateful to have discovered her. I find her the most non-judgmental person I have ever come across. Her approach has helped me be more kind and accepting of myself and others and she has helped me really change some of my beliefs and habits. It's great how she helps people find their own inner resources and a path to move forward that is one's own rather than hers. She has also helped me and my husband to find a way back to good communication habits when the stress of work, kids and daily chores had made our communication unintentionally strained and grumpy. I highly recommend her."
Business Owner, Lyne
Karen Oliver is a very special and intuitive lady. I have been seeing her regularly and recommended over 15 friends to see her as she is so amazing. She has helped me with so many huge struggles in my present and my past including the loss of my mother and massive upheavals in my business.
Karen has a very gentle demeanor which makes you feel safe and able to share anything with her. She has a tremendous skill in finding the root of your issue and giving you the tools to help yourself. I always leave a session feeling I can cope with and handle anything and feel equipped to deal with whatever challenge comes next!
When life gives you lemons Karen shows you how to make lemonade! She is my hero.
Retired Teacher, Woking
As soon as I met Karen I felt at ease and more relaxed - as if a weight had been lifted off me.
She seemed to understand what I was experiencing straight away and managed to help me put my feelings and fears into words. It was so good to feel that connection and finally find some one who really understood how I was feeling. EFT has helped me with my over-anxious behaviour by enabling me to dissociate from fearful experiences.
It has been so helpful to learn the tools of how to manage thoughts and feelings and change my experience of inappropriate anxiety.
I always come away feeling relaxed, calm and positive after an EFT session.
It's helped me feel more in control of my life again and I feel safe.
Electrician, Chertsey
When I first met Karen many years ago now it has been life changing. Karen has helped me deal with stress and anxiety so much better and the EFT technique has changed my mindset. I would recommend Karen to anyone and have already recommended 5-6 close friends and family who feel the same. I now have the tools and I am so glad that I did meet Karen as I am a lot calmer now.
Finance, Manager, London
I came to Karen on a friend's recommendation. It was my first experience of therapy and I loved all of it. Karen guided and accompanied me through a huge personal growth journey. I learned so much about myself and feel that I have become a significantly happier person as a result. And I feel that my chances of finding happiness in the future is now greatly improved. Karen is hiighly skilled at getting to the very core of issues. She has a razor sharp perception and is very effective in unblocking my mental barriers. What I apprecite most about Karen is her siprituality, her kind demeanor and depth of experience. thank you Karen you are simply amazing!