Blog Post

Fuel Your Resolutions for Success

Karen Oliver • 31 December 2019

Support for Your Success - ConneXions Group

The new year is nearly upon us and I am sure you are thinking about what you would like to do differently. Have you gone through this process before? Sometimes you run out of steam and fall back into old patterns. However, some of your resolutions have been successful. Have you ever taken a close look at the difference between those you have made a firm new habit and those that fell by the wayside?

When these resolutions are set we all have good intentions and if the right combination of elements are present we successfully implement the new behaviour/change and it becomes second nature. So what is the recipe?
Over the years I have found the following elements are always present and help to keep on the path to positive change:

  • Complete certainty has to be present that the behaviour/change is something you want and not something you think you should do! Make sure when you say to yourself - 'If I could have this would I really want it?' the answer is a definite congruent YES. If you experience some form of resistance maybe in the form of an internal voice take a look at my EFT Tapping Process Chart: and work on letting go of the resistance.

  • The resolution has to be positive e.g. 'I will reach a healthy weight of eight and a half stone'. This example focuses on what you want rather than: 'I will lose a stone in weight'. This example focuses on loss which could bring about feelings of deprivation. Always focus on what you will gain.

  • Create a clear picture of you as if you have already gained this resolution right now. Make the picture clear and bright with sound and above all the feeling of having already achieved it, whatever that might be? Maybe happiness in your heart - focus on how that would feel right now. Keep refining and breathing more energy into the image, sounds and feelings. Add your favourite colour to your image and perhaps a pet you love or a symbol that helps you to feel confident or happy. Add sounds that lift your state, perhaps laughter, bird song or your favourite song. Heighten the feeling, how full would your heart feel, does that feeling resonate outside of your heart and all the way out to the edge of your aura? Does that feeling have a warmth and maybe a colour? The more real the image, sounds and feelings are right now the higher your vibration and the easier it is to achieve success.
  • Do you have everything you need to make these changes or install these behaviours? If not do you the ability to source what you need or know people who can help you?

  • Will those closest to you be happy with the changes/behaviours? Are you prepared for their reaction to the changes in you?

  • Do you have enough support to help you keep on track? Do you have someone or a group of people who would be willing to act as mentors
Some processes require a deadline date to achieve the required resolution. However, if the elements above are strong and positive the date becomes insignificant as the strong positive feelings generated 'in the now' raise your vibration and work as the fuel in your rocket that spur you on to achieve success.

All of the above are important and once you have made a start and are focused on what you want the last element can be the one that keeps you going even during the biggest challenges and adversity. Having that backup in place to express yourself honestly and receive encouragement and support is crucial in your journey to success. Whatever we do knowing others have our back and want us to do well, being able to offload without judgement and tapping into a wealth of knowledge and experience can be truly priceless.

Start the new decade with a successful resolution! Support is available within ConneXions Group created with the aim of being a safe place to express yourself honestly, listen and be heard, learn new resources to help develop deeper connection and better relationships.

Find out more details call or E-Mail and to register to attend please use the following link and contact form:

Date:   7th January 2020 and thereafter the second Tuesday of the month

Venue:   Sunshine Clinic, 175 Send Rd, Woking GU23 7ET

Time:   6.30 - 8pm

Cost:    £15

Karen Oliver:

07782 381855/01932 403780

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