Blog Post

The Gift of Healing

Karen Oliver • 27 September 2018

How to gain optimum health

On a day to day basis it is easy to take our health for granted and not consciously consider how our bodies work so tirelessly to keep us at optimal health. Indeed, it was not until I experienced my own health challenge that I truly reflected on how amazing every component of the body is at repairing and rejuvenating and achieving perfect health.

Doctors talk of miracles when they observe a patient making a full recovery from what might have been considered a terminal disease, and although it is truly extraordinary, these complete recoveries are more common than we know. When your energy body is returned to balance and alignment disease disappears.

I am sure you are aware of the damage overtime of consistent high levels of stress on the body caused by persistent negative emotions such as anxiety and fear. When the body is constantly flooded with cortisol and adrenaline our health is jeopardised. It is not possible for healing to take place while these bodily chemicals are running rampage. For the processes that keep our bodies healthy to be fully effective and keep us young and vibrant it is essential to reduce the stress habit.

There are simple techniques that dissipate old unhelpful habits by working on our brain waves. Our brain waves can be measured by an EEG machine. We run on five waves - beta, alpha, delta, gamma & theta. All of these waves are necessary for different elements of our health. However, consistent high beta waves are prevalent in those that are anxious, stressed and depressed. Low beta waves are necessary for conscious thinking, but high beta waves allow monkey brain thinking to take over and our stress hormones to be triggered. Monkey brain leads us to battle with ourselves and talk ourselves into panic and fear. These type of thoughts only serve to increase our levels of anxiety.

Beta waves have two parts high beta and low beta. Low beta waves are required to run our bodies automatic functions such as breathing and heart beat. High beta waves are present when we are required to carry out conscious thinking tasks such as writing an essay, learning in a lecture or following complicated instructions. However stress results in unusually elevated levels of beta. When we experience confrontation, are overwhelmed at work, thinking about a trauma or just processing negative thoughts our brains respond by moving into high beta.If you or anyone around you is operating at a high level of stress you can be sure they are in high beta.

The more stressed people become, the higher the amplitude of the beta their brains produce. Negative emotions such as anger, fear, blame, guilt and shame produce large flares of beta in the EEG readout. (Dawson Church, Mind to Matter 2018).

Meditation and energy techniques allow us to enter and experience alpha waves for a prolonged amount of time. When our brains experience higher levels of alpha waves we discover a sense of oneness and peace with ourselves and the world around us. Alpha waves also decrease the level of high beta waves and are a bridge to the other brain waves. Gamma waves are accessed mostly during times of learning and processing data from different parts of the brain. Gamma waves are also present during meditation and signify heightened awareness and those who experience high gamma waves report a blissful state. Theta waves are present in healers during a healing treatment. Delta waves occur during deep sleep. Delta are also present at a higher level in those who are healers or meditate.

I know many people try meditation, but think they are doing it wrong and give up when they don't find it easy to clear the mind. Good news, you don't have to! We are human beings that have thousands of thoughts every day. Meditation allows you to notice the thought and bring yourself back to your breath.Meditation brings focus and clarityand the more you practice the easier it becomes. Meditation works best when you make it a regular habit. If you are not able to find time every day perhaps start with 15 minutes three times a week. Meditation is not a quick fix, it works best when you incorporate it into your life as a form of brain maintenance. Meditation trains your brain to work more effectively to achieve more peace and contentment and affects how you react to challenging incidents that previously might have sent you into high anxiety. You will discover you remain calmer and think more rationally when faced with adversity. And best of all your overall health will improve as your immune system, digestion and reproductive systems work efficiently. Accessing alpha waves regularly also has an effect on slowing down your body's aging process. I recommend the following meditation that uses a mixture of mindfulness, meditation, EFT & heart coherence. EcoMeditation was created by Dawson Church. You can download it for free from

EFT has a similar effect on your brain waves and can be utilised to promote healing and improve your health. Apart from increasing alpha waves it has the ability to help you shift old unhelpful thinking patterns and beliefs that may have previously held you back until now. Take time to recollect any internal dialogue and associated beliefs connected to your health:

My immune system is never very effective
I am prone to chest infections
Whenever I get a cold it lasts for a couple of weeks
I get everything that is going around
I get more attention when I am not well

Our minds are very proficient at acting on our strongly held beliefs as if it were the absolute truth and that is great when they are in alignment with what we desire. Perhaps some of the above beliefs ring true or maybe you have others. To eliminate these challenges use EFT to tap them away and give your health a boost.

If you are not familiar with EFT please check out my tapping process chart:

Let's take the belief 'I get more attention when I am not well' as an example

Imagine you held this belief. How did this become a belief that is true? Most people build these beliefs as children. Maybe you had parents who were so busy you felt overlooked, but when you were unwell they cooked chicken soup, read stories and gave you the hugs and reassurance you needed.

In your infant mind you made a decision that you were only able to receive love and attention if you were unwell. Give it a number from 0 - 10 of how true that belief is right now.

Start using EFT on that decision by repeating out loud the following and rubbing the sore spot: Even though I am only able to gain attention from those around me if I am unwell I still completely and deeply accept love and forgive myself.

Proceed to tap on the points completing as many rounds as necessary while repeating out loud the following reminder phrases:

I cannot ask for attention
Everyone is too busy
The only way I can access the love I need is to be unwell
I only feel loved and accepted when I am unwell
I am too needy
Everyone is too busy to notice me
Being unwell is the only time I deserve love
I don't have the right to be loved as I am
If i didn't feel unwell I would never receive love
It is ok to be needy when I am ill
I am accepted when I am unwell
How would I get attention if I was healthy
Healthy people don't have needs

Continue until this belief becomes doubtful, notice the number of intensity, maybe it has dropped to a more moderate number 3 or 4 and the belief is not as convincing any longer.

Go back to the sore spot and say the following set up out loud: Even though I did believe I only had the right to request love if I was not well, I choose to question this infant decision now I am an adult and have more resources and I completely and deeply accept love and forgive myself.

Tap on the points and repeat the following reminder phrases out loud:

I thought I had to be unwell to request love
I used to believe I didn't deserve anything more
I am beginning to allow myself to be open to new ways of thinking
What if this was never true and I could have asked for attention anytime
What if I could have received love anytime without being unwell
What if my parents were so busy they just didn't realise they might not have been emotionally present
What if I can generate unconditional love right now and send it to my whole body
I choose to be open to the love available to me
I choose to believe I have always been worthy of receiving love
I choose to be healthy and loved.

Notice how the original belief has been questioned and is no longer the ultimate truth, but merely a misconception of a young child that needed attention and love. Maybe the intensity has dropped to a very low number or even 0. Notice how that feels in your body.

Often unwittingly we take on board other people's beliefs as our own. We are constantly surrounded by information masked as truth and it is easy when we doubt out selves to be overtaken with someone's strongly held convictions. The majority of these gems of knowledge are opinion based on their experience. As everyone experiences life differently there cannot be a one size fits all type of belief. Take note of the opinion givers level of contentment before you decide to accept their beliefs. Question what the belief will do for you. Take care to filter the advice you receive and decide if your life will be enriched by taking this on as your own.

If you find yourself consistently feeling low in energy and unwell or are faced with a health challenge, ask yourself what resources are available to gain back physical, emotional and spiritual balance. What can I do to aid my own overall health? Working towards an underlying sense of peace and calm will boost natural healing and aid in your journey back to optimal health.

If the issue you are wanting to dissipate is between 7 and 10 of intensity, I would recommend you consult an EFT Practitioner to guide and assist you.

Karen Oliver
07782 381855/01932 403780

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