Blog Post

Dangers of Division? Wake Up to Empowering Unity!

Karen Oliver • 16 April 2021

Heal Division, Let go of Fear and Come Together

Unity has always been something I have personally searched for in my life and there is nothing more rewarding than enjoying the joint energy of minds and hearts that have come together with a shared intention.

We all have differing beliefs, values and views.  

As human beings, our strength is in our diverse opinions and our ability to discuss and debate bringing into play many perceptions and ideas.  

Unfortunately, our need to be right it seems has become more important and we have become more secular and disconnected.

Considering the Dangers of Division

The mainstream media and their sensational headlines tend to reinforce this movement to define ourselves solely through one dimensional groups that far from bringing us together encourage us we should be against sections of our society. 

 Beware of public proclamations that call you to action to take sides against your neighbour. These inflammatory narratives are designed to divide.

 Look behind the headline and discover the agenda.  

There has been a long stream of divisive topics in recent times that shine their spotlight on particular fears and incite anxiety. It is no coincidence that when we are in fear we do not make the best decisions as we act out of impulse and perceived threat. However, when our fear leads us to believe we are being threatened by our own fellow beings we are being manoeuvred against ourselves and we all lose. Division never brings peace, just more overt borders and highlighted differences.

'Differences will always exist, but division doesn't always have to result'

Beth Moore

If you place black and red ants in a jar they will live harmoniously alongside each other.  

But when the jar is shaken up the ants will begin to attack each other.  

It is important to know who is shaking the jar. Choose consciously in a peaceful state what situations mean and what would be the best reaction, if any, to the situation.  

Division has historically been utilised as a ploy to disempower and it is vital more than ever to unify as a race globally. 

The modern western world has run on the ethos of freedom of speech, inclusion and choice. The support we show now for everyone during these challenging times is essential to preserve our liberties and that which we want to pass on to future generations. 

It is not easy in a world full of conflicting information to find truth and much of the information we are bombarded with is opinion. I have found the most reliable determination of any information's intention does not come from analysing with our mind, but from trust, in our gut instinct as we can feel what is our truth deep inside. 

We have all been subject to programming from the moment we were born and over the years have conformed to certain ideas and concepts that perhaps we have not questioned.  

When we are surrounded by consistent information it can become the norm and we may not consciously consider it requires any dissecting. However, even when we have bought into a culture, a belief, a narrative, it can be enlightening to shine some light and ask ourselves if this way of being brings us joy or is an uncomfortable comfort zone we have resigned ourselves to. 

Sometimes we cling to old outmoded beliefs that do not serve us because they are familiar and the alternative is the uncertainty of the unknown. But in reality, no matter how much we try to tame the world and its complexities, the unknown is the only certainty and out of the unknown comes all manner of great experiences, discoveries, challenges and learnings.

The Power of Unity

Our need for conformity can be the very thing that stops us from living in joy, peace and unity. 

Our dogged resistance to open up to new ideas and entertain others' opinions stops us in our tracks and traps us in an unfulfilling world.  

Envy can serve as a divisive means for exclusion.  

Group or cultural fear of being left behind and not being a part of an idea that is positive, productive and/or profitable can lead to the idea leader being ridiculed and rejected from society. 

 In truth, if we could only see that an individual's intentions and triumphs could be shared by the world, we would be less fearful of the success and realise how we are all connected and a part of their success. 

When we stop targeting others' alternative ideas as a threat to our way of being and remain open to let our ears really hear, our eyes see clearly and our hearts feel ever bigger possibilities are available. Many of us place our trust in science to keep our world safe and shun those who do not buy into the confines of current scientific understanding. But science is a man-made invention and is only as developed as the human race can understand. Science is not a set model, it is an ever-changing set of concepts that try to make sense of this world and beyond within our 3D human capacity. 

 There have been many scientists in the past who were way ahead of their time and found themselves confronted by fear and consequently shunned by the science fraternity. Only to be revered after their death and the world robbed of truly remarkable discoveries that would benefit us all.

Therefore regardless of our level of knowledge remaining open to new ideas is the fuel of growth and development. We do not need to vilify those who do not fit in our carefully constructed pigeon holes, but marvel at their creative thinking and ingenuity. Just because we don't understand right now does not mean we should deny or reject new concepts. On the contrary, remaining curious and exploratory like a child is how we all learn. The quality, depth and diversity of our human race should be celebrated and embraced. 

There has always been space for a multitude of opinions and views and in fact, it is necessary to embrace all angles with an open understanding.  

The diversity of our world is its infinite richness and we do not have to agree but respect and space for others' views is of paramount importance as part of all of our journeys of spiritual growth.  

If you notice yourself taking a stand against others for their beliefs, values and opinions ask yourself these very important questions:

  • What emotion has been triggered in me?
  • Do I have to be right?
  • How can I learn from this person's opinion?
  • What emotion and intention is underlying their opinion?
  • At what level can I connect and understand this person?

Above all else, we can show compassion for others as many of us have become trapped in a fear/anxiety circle. When we can learn to stop fearing different views and creating division we are truly developing acceptance of ourselves and others.

Unity is the victory over fear and the inclusion, acceptance and admiration of our human capacity for free-thinking. 

'All for One and One for All, United we Stand Divided we Fall'
Alexandre Dumas

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