Blog Post

Looking for a Deeper Sense of Connection?

Karen Oliver • 8 December 2019

Practise, Share and Learn with ConneXions Group

ConneXions Group

·Last chance to reserve your place on the ConneXions group - December 10th!

·Be a part of a new movement and super-size your communication

·Take the opportunity to discover how to develop and benefit from learning communication excellence.

·Practise expressive and honest communication

·Feel fully equipped to interact, listen and share your thoughts and feelings more effectively

When we learn to connect and communicate our feelings effectively those around us have a better understanding and can offer the support we want.

We spend a lot of time not communicating, but even when we say nothing, we communicate something, but probably not what we want others to think or believe about us. The quality of our communication is our responsibility and can only develop when we are clear about what we want to communicate. It is often the case that we assume the receiver knows how we feel, and they already understand. So many miscommunications can be averted by learning to be clear on what we want to express.

Just saying ‘I feel rubbish today’ does not help the receiver to understand how you are feeling or how to respond. The receiver will have their own reference of what feeling rubbish means and it is unlikely to be the same. Communicating effectively requires detail and rather than letting the receiver guess what is the best approach to support you why not let them know. A good example might be:

‘I am feeling quite low today because I have been worrying about my Mum her health has been undermined by a continuous chesty cough and she is not looking after herself. I really appreciate that I can talk to you about this and you have listened to me, that is all I really needed, thanks’


‘I am feeling angry at work. It seems that no matter what I do I get criticism. I am doing my best, but it is not recognised, and I don’t feel valued. I would be really grateful if when I come home and I go to the bedroom you could give me space to deal with my feelings and I will come out when I am ready to talk, thank you for understanding.’

We can feel fearful of expressing how we really feel. Maybe we have tried before, but the response we had not been what we had hoped for. Perhaps we had been met with confrontation, criticism or judgement.

Practising effective communication and connecting in a safe environment can really promote and develop your communication skills. With your newly learnt skills it is much easier to let go of the old frustrations and experience a feeling of being understood and accepted.

Often, we can believe we have to agree with others’ opinions to be able to get on with them and that is not easy as we all have our own beliefs. The truth is the most important part of communication is being able to understand a view point and being open enough to see the issue from someone else’s map of the world. By developing this ability, we gain flexibility and acceptance when communicating. The role of the listener is not to agree or judge, but to accept the current position of the speaker, know they are doing their best, hear their challenges and allow them to have a voice. We may have believed in the past we had to react to the speaker by fixing the issue, offering advice or joining their campaign. However, the most valuable response is often to offer understanding and compassion.

Now that you understand the theory, learn to hone your skills and take advantage of a safe place to practise:

ConneXions Group

Find out more details call or E-Mail and to register to attend please use the following link and contact form:

Date:   10th December and thereafter the second Tuesday of the month

Venue:   Sunshine Clinic, 175 Send Rd, Woking GU23 7ET

Time:   6.30 - 8pm

Cost:    £15

Karen Oliver:

07782 381855/01932 403780

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