It is not always easy to communicate effectively with work colleagues, family or friends. We tend to use so many forms of communication that are designed to be sent quickly but can easily be misinterpreted. Many of us don’t think we have time to communicate in person and quickly become blissfully unaware of initial misinterpretation and continue to communicate. At best the receiver can be confused and sometimes the receiver is left feeling frustrated, upset or annoyed. Many of us have lost the art of taking time to express ourselves clearly and honestly. We tend to have a preconception that the receiver understands our thoughts, intention and agenda. What we forget is the receiver has their own thoughts, intention and agenda. In a phone conversation at least we might pick up on silences and tones and yet still we lack the benefit of visual cues in facial expressions and body language.
Our communication has become quicker, but our understanding has become more muddled and leaves a lot of scope for misunderstanding. When we don’t take the time and care the miscommunication can seriously undermine our objective and when we meet with negativity, we are often at a loss to know what has gone wrong.
Having a space to safely express honestly with others is more important and valuable today than ever before. Unfortunately, the majority of us are not going stop our day jobs and have the time to visit everyone we interact with. Therefore, learning face to face in a group how others perceive our style of communication helps to assess and moderate our interactions while remaining true to our needs and feelings. We cannot be responsible for how others react, but we are responsible for communicating considerately and honestly the message we want to relay.
Most of us will assume others communicate in the same way as we do and will therefore just intuitively get us straight away. The truth is we all have different styles of communication and even some words can have a very different meaning for each individual. To be understood requires being mindful of the receiver, assuming nothing and putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. This may sound as if it is a lot of effort, but the results actually save a lot of time and unnecessary conflict by avoiding miscommunicating and reams of E-Mails or texts trying to make yourself understood or undo the damage with the disgruntled or upset receiver. In short, the more skilled we become at communication skills the more likely we are to be heard, understood and nurture relationships while being assertive and honest.
We are taught many useful skills at school and during our careers, but little time is taken to teach, develop and practise honest and expressive communication skills. Therefore, we can be left feeling unsafe and uncomfortable when put in a position of having to put across unwelcomed news. These messages need to be delivered face to face and with sensitivity that requires skill and confidence. However, with less and less contact many of us spending a good deal of our working lives remotely we can become far less skilled in delivering these vitally important messages.
To combat these issues and develop your communication to a higher level join ConneXions Group
Find out more details call or E-Mail and to register to attend please use the following link and contact form:
Date: 10th December and thereafter the second Tuesday of the month
Venue: Sunshine Clinic, 175 Send Rd, Woking GU23 7ET
Time: 6.30 - 8pm
Cost: £15
Karen Oliver:
Student, Woking
Having suffered with anxiety and a lack of confidence for many years I decided it was time to get some help. I heard about Karen through a friend of mine. She is lovely and welcoming and made me feel at ease instantly. She taught me a range of different techniques and methods to help cope with my anxiety and improve my self-esteem. Over 3 sessions with her I noticed a huge difference within myself and was able to use her techniques in daily situations where normally I would have struggled. I can’t recommend her enough!
Coach, Toronto
I love working with Karen. Her EFT skills are epic. She always finds the right words that resonate with me to move me forward. Working with Karen has enabled me to begin to attract bigger opportunities that I knew I was ready for but that were stuck emotionally. Well, I'm stuck no more!!! Thank you Karen!
Project Manager, Camberley
Karen really embodies the concepts she teaches and inspires and encourages you to make changes."
Marketing Manager, Woking
Karen has been a very positive influence on my life and I am very grateful to have discovered her. I find her the most non-judgmental person I have ever come across. Her approach has helped me be more kind and accepting of myself and others and she has helped me really change some of my beliefs and habits. It's great how she helps people find their own inner resources and a path to move forward that is one's own rather than hers. She has also helped me and my husband to find a way back to good communication habits when the stress of work, kids and daily chores had made our communication unintentionally strained and grumpy. I highly recommend her."
Business Owner, Lyne
Karen Oliver is a very special and intuitive lady. I have been seeing her regularly and recommended over 15 friends to see her as she is so amazing. She has helped me with so many huge struggles in my present and my past including the loss of my mother and massive upheavals in my business.
Karen has a very gentle demeanor which makes you feel safe and able to share anything with her. She has a tremendous skill in finding the root of your issue and giving you the tools to help yourself. I always leave a session feeling I can cope with and handle anything and feel equipped to deal with whatever challenge comes next!
When life gives you lemons Karen shows you how to make lemonade! She is my hero.
Retired Teacher, Woking
As soon as I met Karen I felt at ease and more relaxed - as if a weight had been lifted off me.
She seemed to understand what I was experiencing straight away and managed to help me put my feelings and fears into words. It was so good to feel that connection and finally find some one who really understood how I was feeling. EFT has helped me with my over-anxious behaviour by enabling me to dissociate from fearful experiences.
It has been so helpful to learn the tools of how to manage thoughts and feelings and change my experience of inappropriate anxiety.
I always come away feeling relaxed, calm and positive after an EFT session.
It's helped me feel more in control of my life again and I feel safe.
Electrician, Chertsey
When I first met Karen many years ago now it has been life changing. Karen has helped me deal with stress and anxiety so much better and the EFT technique has changed my mindset. I would recommend Karen to anyone and have already recommended 5-6 close friends and family who feel the same. I now have the tools and I am so glad that I did meet Karen as I am a lot calmer now.
Finance, Manager, London
I came to Karen on a friend's recommendation. It was my first experience of therapy and I loved all of it. Karen guided and accompanied me through a huge personal growth journey. I learned so much about myself and feel that I have become a significantly happier person as a result. And I feel that my chances of finding happiness in the future is now greatly improved. Karen is hiighly skilled at getting to the very core of issues. She has a razor sharp perception and is very effective in unblocking my mental barriers. What I apprecite most about Karen is her siprituality, her kind demeanor and depth of experience. thank you Karen you are simply amazing!